
The Modern Preacher and the Ancient Text: Interpreting and Preaching Biblical Literature is unavailable, but you can change that!

A fusion of biblical hermeneutics and homiletics, this thorough and well-researched book offers a holistic contemporary approach to the interpretation and preaching of biblical texts, using scholarly tools and focusing on literary features. Greidanus develops hermeneutical and homiletical principles and then applies them to four specific genres: Hebrew narratives, prophetic literature, the...

the word of God. Preachers are literally to be ministers of the word. Thus preaching with authority is synonymous with true expository preaching. “Preaching which severs itself … from the Bible can have little or no valid authority over men’s minds or hearts,” asserts Miller, “for it is an irreverent assumption of authority which no living man may rightly claim.… The only right we have to preach is to preach Christ as he makes himself known through the Scriptures of the Old and New Testament.”29
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